Is it just me or has the time flown by since the start of the year?? I actually hadn't felt much like writing since my Nana Ruth passed away last month. But time does march on and while I miss her like crazy, I've got things to do! Soap waits for no one! Heh, we just finished our monthly craft show, boy what a mess! It POURED just after we'd set up and we didn't have enough time to put our tarps out! Ten minutes later and a bunch of wet labels (not soaps) the crowd came out, fortunately all were understanding about our drippy labels. So ya'll know what I'm going to be doing this week!
Last week I just finished another soap order for Simple Living in St Pete, as you can see from the pic's that's a whole lot of soap....and that's not even all of it! I had more curing on the racks in my soap room.
I'm trying like heck to finish building my wholesale soap pages....yup you heard it, I'm going to be branching out into wholesale too! So excited about all of our recent changes!!
The kids go back to school this Tuesday, with the super summer we had I'm going to miss them so much! However I'm not crazy about waking up with my oldest at 5:15 to get him going for the bus......gah