Thursday, June 4, 2009

I have an excuse!

Oh I know, you'll look at this picture and think what has that got to do with soap? Everything!!
You see I was actually TRYING to gather all my soap making supplies for an early morning soap session before I had to run some errands. Then there was a knock, well more like a banging at the garage door. When I peek through the curtain wondering if the hound of hell are actually trying to get in. What do I see? This, in Sybrina's arms! What the heck?? Syb had just gone out rollerblading when she found Daisy Duke here asleep in the middle of the street, asleep?? Wha? Syb transferred her to me, so I could make sure the poor gal hadn't been hit by a car, because who ever heard of a dog sleeping in the street. Well not me. I sent Syb to look down the streets see if we could find someone looking for this beauty and off she went, meanwhile Vic and I got the job of babysitting, YES it was a real chore, see. An extra collar to find, leash to procure, water bowl to fill....whew
About the time I decided to get some shoes on and put Vic and Daisy Duke in the car to go find Syb and take them all down to the Humane Society, Syb shows up with the owner! I'd love to tell you what Daisy Dukes name was but it's barely pronounceable let alone me attempting to type it. However Syb found Daisy Dukes mom and brought her to us. I'm happy to report that mom and Daisy were happily reunited, we learned from her mom that Daisy had squeezed out under the fence the day before we found her, which might explain why the poor girl was sleeping in the street, she was pooped!
There you have it, my excuse for knocking a few hours off my soap making you think it was a good one?

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